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Recurring Dream The Very Best Of Crowded House Rar: A Compilation of Hits and New Songs


I finally listened to it the other day as I wanted to listen to it with out distraction and in full! I really enjoyed it and am glad that there is another part coming to it. It is another fine set of songs and to me has a similar vibe to the recurring dream second disc.

Recurring Dream The Very Best Of Crowded House Rar

Sumner's Tales: Sting talks..."This was the second album written and recorded in Lake House. I was enjoying these long periods at home with the family. I'd spend so much of my life in hotel rooms and concert halls. I felt that at last I was living a real life. The kids would come home from school in the afternoon and we'd all have dinner together like a normal family. I suppose the album title suggests, among other things, that my mercurial life was beginning to find some balance, like I'd finally put down roots. I'd always believed that "settling down" was anathema to creativity, but I wanted to give it a shot. I felt it was my right. The band loved being there too. Dominic Miller, David Sancious, and Vinnie Colaiuta were all delighted not to be stuck in some airless studio for weeks on end; I even caught Vinnie, our drummer (a certified studio animal if ever there was one), walking in the garden one morning. I'd never seen him up before noon, much less out taking the air. He of course claimed that he was but sleepwalking after the previous night's carousing."Lyrics, 10/07"There are so many references attached to mercury. I mean, it's a metal, it's a liquid, it's an element, it's a god, it's a planet. It's an idea - 'mercurial,' I think, is a valuable description. I use the phrase initially very literally. You know, it's getting cold, the thermometer's falling. And then I use it symbolically at the end. I love the phrase. It's very resonant, full of so many things.''The Baltimore Sun, 3/96"The title of the new album is 'Mercury Falling'. It was the first lyric I wrote, the first line of the first song called 'The Hounds Of Winter'. But the lyric has a lot of reverberations, it means other things - it has an astrological context, it has an astronomical context, it has a meteorological context, it has a symbolic context, and the whole idea of being mercurial is an image I've always responded to. I mean, there are so many styles on this record and it darts around from genre to genre and back again. It's a very mercurial record, and it seemed to be the right thing to call the record. And at the end of the record I return to this idea of mercury falling - only to rise again."'Mercury Falling' Promotional Interview Disc, '96On how soul music influenced the album..."When I was fifteen, sixteen which was the time of my rampant puberty and discovering sex and dancing and going out and drinking, it coincided with the boom in soul music - Otis Redding, Sam and Dave, Booker T and the MGs, James Brown - so that music means a great deal for me. If I look back to a golden age in my musical life its probably then. If I pick my favourite ever songs, they're 'Dock Of The Bay', 'When A Man Loves A Woman' - all that sort of stuff. So having written these songs I decided to borrow the Memphis Horns who played on all of those records. They came over from Memphis, they're wonderful guys, they sound exactly like they did on the records - it's almost like seeing a masterpiece in your house, an old painting. I tortured them a little bit by asking them to play in strange time signatures they hadn't played in before, but they enjoyed the challenge and I think the sound on the record is very nostalgic. At the same time I'm not really producing a homage to Stax Soul Music. I'm using it and putting an ironic, objective view on it, I'm twisting it and perverting it in a way which makes it more me. I'm not interested in remaking records that were brilliant - what's the point You can't better Sam and Dave or Otis Redding but you can twist it a little bit to make it more me. So it's definitely a Sting record."'Mercury Falling' Promotional Interview Disc, '96"The personality of the house does invade the record somehow. The studio's in the dining room, so I can enjoy my kids coming home from school, or take a walk in the garden while trying to work out the lyrics. Living closer to nature here brings you much closer to the cycle of seasons, and I think that's really reflected in many of the songs. Seasonal ideas that can be broken then mended, that you can die in winter and live again in spring recur in the lyrics."'Mercury Falling' Tour Programme, '96"I don't like to make musicians feel too comfortable with what they are doing. Making the Memphis Horns play in 9/8 or 7/8 really threw them. But, in the end, they got it and it sounded great."Music Week, 3/96"The new songs are full of seasonal ideas: that you might die in winter yet be born again in spring. That you can be broken and then mended. Even the title, 'Mercury Falling', which was the first phrase that came to me when I started writing, keeps reverberating in new ways. I was very 'mercurial' in jumping around from genre to genre and mixing things on this album. And Mercury was the thief of the gods, so I stole from everywhere."Guitar World, 7/96"I have to reflect my moods, my memories, my hopes, my anxieties, my nostalgia and love for whatever's happening. That's my brief to myself when I make an album - it's a heartfelt expression of me. This is a hopeful record, and I'm proud of it. I've had enough loss and sadness in my life not to be autobiographical, even now. I know what it's like to be heartbroken. Also, I think the universe is reflected in relationships and that you can tell a love story that expresses the whole of existence. And I find difficult relationships more interesting to write about. In general though, my work is less confessional than it used to be."Interview Magazine, 7/96"I like 'Mercury Falling'. Sure, parts of it are blue. I think if I'm being honest in my work a record must map my emotions and my experiences."Philadelphia Inquirer, 6/00"In the past I've written albums that were related to death - either the death of someone I loved or the death of a relationship or whatever. But now I've reached a stage in my life where I don't see death as the end to anything. I see death as merely another door to open, and I think the songs perhaps reflect that openness about death or the ending of things and that I'm much more comfortable with the idea. I suppose the songs are as much about rebirth as much as death and new beginnings as much as they are about endings."'Mercury Falling' Promotional Interview Disc, '96"There are songs on this record about accepting things you can't change. And there are songs about romantic situations that don't have a happy ending. It's not the standard fare of pop music at all. But if pop music is just about being in a gang or dancing or frivolous youth stuff, then I'm in the wrong business. If it's fuddy duddy music so be it. But this is what I am and I'm proud of it. I'm not afraid of being attacked or ridiculed. I've been there before. Views on me are very disparate: I'm either a decent man or a complete shit. The truth is I'm somewhere in the middle."The Independent, 2/96"I do feel very relaxed these days. Not complacent, but relaxed. I think if there's a theme on this record, it's one of acceptance about things that can't be changed. Not one thing in particular. It's just that in the past, in my young life, I tended to fight against everything, struggle against the whole of life. I suppose I'm just getting older. In the past I used to worry a great deal - about writing songs, about whether I was writing enough. But now I just let it happen. I don't put myself under too much pressure, because that just kills the creativity."TOP Magazine, 3/96"Maybe I'm not asking so many questions on this record, but I'm accepting the fact that there is a question - accepting that mystery as part of life. I've been studying philosophy for a long time. I read books about these eternal problems. As for not coming up with any answers, the greatest philosophers in history can be accused of that!"TOP Magazine, 3/96"This album was easier than some. It's always hard to write and always hard to better yourself and dig deep, but at the same time there's a great deal of therapy in writing. And my intention was not to make music that was angry or difficult, because I'm not angry. If there's a theme on the record that's consistent, it's one of acceptance of things that cannot be changed. I don't want to give the impression that I'm complacent, because there are certain things in life that do anger me and make me want to fight to change them. But I also am able to recognize the things that I simply should not bother fighting against. One is age - growing old and dying. It's one of those things to learn acceptance of. I think a lot of the new songs are about that."The Boston Globe, 3/96"Well, 'Mercury Falling' is certainly more straightforward than the last album. There are lapses into complex meters, but I've tried to disguise it a lot more this time, to not be so self-conscious about it."Guitar, 4/96On being asked to comment why he though 'Brand New Day' was so successful compared to the 'failure' of 'Mercury Falling'..."That is a false affirmation you're making. 'Mercury Falling' sold 4 million copies world-wide, and most people do not make it to the 400,000 copies. I can't agree with you on that subject, because MF was not a commercial failure, not at all. It sold one million less. But, to be honest, I don't think it terms of success or failure. I think in the fact of making good records. And I do not think that I have made a bad album. That's the real success for me."El Mercurio (Wiken), 1/01 2ff7e9595c

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